فارسی سازی اش مشکلی ندارد.
اون فایلی را که ارور می گیره را پیدا کردم.
مشکل اینجاست که php بلد نیستم.
کد فایل فایلی که خطا می گیره:
* @version $Id: DOCMAN_file.class.php 1368 2010-05-04 13:39:40Z mathias $
* @category DOCman
* @package DOCman15
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2003 - 2009 Johan Janssens and Mathias Verraes. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU GPLv2
* @link http://www.joomladocman.org
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
require_once($_DOCMAN->getPath('classes', 'mime'));
require_once($_DOCMAN->getPath('includes', 'defines')); // define _DM_VALIDATE_xxxx
class DOCMAN_File
* @access public
* @var string
var $path = null;
* @access public
* @var string
var $name = null;
* @access public
* @var string
var $mime = null;
* @access public
* @var string
var $ext = null;
* @access public
* @var string
var $size = null;
* @access public
* @var string
var $date = null;
* @access private
* @var string
var $_err = null;
* @access private
* @var boolean
var $_isLink;
function DOCMAN_File($name, $path)
$path = DOCMAN_Compat::mosPathName( $path );
if (!is_dir( $path )) {
$path = dirname( $path );
// Make sure there's a trailing slash in the path
$path = DOCMAN_Compat::mosPathName($path);
$this->name = trim($name);
$this->path = $path;
if( strcasecmp( substr( $this->name , 0, _DM_DOCUMENT_LINK_LNG ) , _DM_DOCUMENT_LINK )==0){
$this->_isLink = true;
$this->size = 0;
$this->mime = 'link';
$this->_isLink = false;
$this->size = @filesize($this->path.$this->name);
$this->mime = DOCMAN_MIME_Magic::filenameToMIME($this->name, false);
$this->name = basename($name);
$this->ext = $this->getExtension();
* Downloads a file from the server
* @desc This is the function handling files downloading using HTTP protocol
* @param void
* @return void
function download($inline = false)
// Fix [3164]
while (@ob_end_clean());
if( $this->_isLink ){
header( "Location: " . substr( $this->name , 6 ) );
$fsize = @filesize($this->path.$this->name);
$mod_date = date('r', filemtime( $this->path.$this->name ) );
$cont_dis = $inline ? 'inline' : 'attachment';
// required for IE, otherwise Content-disposition is ignored
if(ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
// fix for IE7/8, ticket #183
if(function_exists('apache_setenv')) {
apache_setenv('no-gzip', '1');
header("Pragma: public");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header('Content-Disposition:' . $cont_dis .';'
. ' filename="' . str_replace('"', '\"', $this->name) . '";'
. ' modification-date="' . $mod_date . '";'
. ' size=' . $fsize .';'
); //RFC2183
header("Content-Type: " . $this->mime ); // MIME type
header("Content-Length: " . $fsize);
if( ! ini_get('safe_mode') ) { // set_time_limit doesn't work in safe mode
// No encoding - we aren't using compression... (RFC1945)
//header("Content-Encoding: none");
//header("Vary: none");
// The caller MUST 'die();'
function readfile_chunked($filename,$retbytes=true)
$chunksize = 1*(1024*1024); // how many bytes per chunk
$buffer = '';
$cnt =0;
$handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
if ($handle === false) {
return false;
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fread($handle, $chunksize);
echo $buffer;
if ($retbytes) {
$cnt += strlen($buffer);
$status = fclose($handle);
if ($retbytes && $status) {
return $cnt; // return num. bytes delivered like readfile() does.
return $status;
function exists() {
if( $this->_isLink ){
return true;
return file_exists($this->path.DS.$this->name);
function isLink(){
return $this->_isLink ;
* Get file size
* @desc Gets the file size and convert it to friendly format
* @param void
* @return string Returns filesize in a friendly format.
function getSize()
if( $this->_isLink ){
return 'Link';
$kb = 1024;
$mb = 1024 * $kb;
$gb = 1024 * $mb;
$tb = 1024 * $gb;
$size = $this->size;
if ($size) {
if ($size < $kb) {
$file_size = $size .' '. _DML_BYTES;
elseif ($size < $mb) {
$final = round($size/$kb,2);
$file_size = $final .' '. _DML_KB;
elseif ($size < $gb) {
$final = round($size/$mb,2);
$file_size = $final .' '. _DML_MB;
elseif($size < $tb) {
$final = round($size/$gb,2);
$file_size = $final .' '. _DML_GB;
} else {
$final = round($size/$tb,2);
$file_size = $final .' '. _DML_TB;
} else {
if( $size == 0 ) {
$file_size = _DML_EMPTY;
} else {
$file_size = _DML_ERROR;
return $file_size;
* @desc Gets the extension of a file
* @return string The file extension
function getExtension()
* Fix for http://www.joomlatools.eu/index.php?option=com_simpleboard&Itemid=0&func=view&id=13805&catid=506
//if( $this->_isLink )
// return "lnk";
$dotpos = strrpos($this->name, ".");
if ($dotpos < 1)
return "unk";
return substr($this->name, $dotpos + 1);
function getDate($type = 'm')
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$offset = $mainframe->getCfg('offset');
if( $this->_isLink ){
return "";
$date = '';
switch($type) {
case 'm' :
$date = filemtime($this->path.$this->name);
case 'a' :
$date = fileatime($this->path.$this->name);
case 'c' :
$date = filectime($this->path.$this->name);
return strftime( _DM_DATEFORMAT_LONG, $date + ($offset*60*60) );
function remove(){
@unlink( $this->path.$this->name );
return !$this->exists;
class DOCMAN_FileUpload
* @access public
* @var string
var $max_file_size = null;
* @access public
* @var string
var $ext_array = null;
* @access private
* @var string
var $_err = null;
* @access private
* @var string
var $fname_blank;
* @access private
* @var string
var $fname_reject;
* @access private
* @var string
var $fname_lc;
* @access private
* @var array
var $proto_accept = null;
* @access private
* @var array
var $proto_reject;
function DOCMAN_FileUpload()
global $_DOCMAN;
$this->max_file_size = 0+ trim( $_DOCMAN->getCfg('maxAllowed'));
$this->ext_array = explode('|', strtolower( $_DOCMAN->getCfg('extensions')));
$this->_err = '';
$this->fname_blank = $_DOCMAN->getCfg('fname_blank');
$this->fname_reject = $_DOCMAN->getCfg('fname_reject');
$this->fname_lc = $_DOCMAN->getCfg('fname_lc' );
$this->proto_reject = array( 'file','php','zlib', 'asp', 'pl',
'compress.zlib','compress.bzip2','ogg' );
$this->proto_accept = array( 'http','https','ftp');
* Uploads a file using the HTTP protocol
* @desc Uploads a file using HTTP.
* @param void
* @return boolean Returns true if succeed and false if not. Sets $this->_err with false.
function uploadHTTP(&$file, $path, $validate = _DM_VALIDATE_ALL )
$name = DOCMAN_Utils::stripslashes($file['name']);
$errorcode = $file['error'] ? $file['error'] : 0;
$temp_name = trim($file['tmp_name']);
if(($validate & _DM_VALIDATE_PATH && ! $this->validatePath( $path) )
|| ($validate & _DM_VALIDATE_NAME && ! $this->validateName( $name ) )
|| ($validate & _DM_VALIDATE_EXISTS && ! $this->validateExists( $name, $path ) )
|| ($validate & _DM_VALIDATE_SIZE && ! $this->validateSize($temp_name))
|| ($validate & _DM_VALIDATE_EXT && ! $this->validateExt($name)) ){
return false;
if( $errorcode == 0 ){
return $this->_upload($name, $temp_name, $path);
// Finish by handling errors
switch ($errorcode )
$this->_err = _DML_SIZEEXCEEDS;
$this->_err = _DML_ONLYPARTIAL;
$this->_err = _DML_NOUPLOADED;
$this->_err = _DML_TRANSFERERROR." $errorcode";
return false;
function _upload($name, $temp_name, $path)
if (is_uploaded_file($temp_name)) {
if (move_uploaded_file($temp_name, $path.DS.$name)) {
$file = new DOCMAN_File($name, $path);
return $file;
} else {
$this->_err = _DML_DIRPROBLEM." ";
} else {
$this->_err = _DML_DIRPROBLEM2." ";
return false;
* transfer a file using HTTP protocol between servers
* @desc Member function handling file transfer using HTTP protocol from a foreign server to local server
* @param void
* @return boolean Returns false if file could not be transfered
* and true if it does. Sets _error if false.
function uploadURL($url, $path, $validate=_DM_VALIDATE_ALL, $name=null )
$errid = null;
$errmsg = null;
if( !$parsedurl = parse_url($url))
$this->_err = 'Malformed url: '.$url;
return false;
if( ! $name ) {
$name = basename($parsedurl["path"]) ;
if(($validate & _DM_VALIDATE_PATH && ! $this->validatePath( $path) )
|| ($validate & _DM_VALIDATE_NAME && ! $this->validateName( $name ) )
|| ($validate & _DM_VALIDATE_EXISTS && ! $this->validateExists( $name, $path ) )
|| ($validate & _DM_VALIDATE_EXT && ! $this->validateExt( $name))
|| ($validate & _DM_VALIDATE_PROTO && ! $this->validateProtocol( $parsedurl['scheme']))
return false;
// Open the URL source using PHP fopen schema.
$bufferhandle = @fopen( $url , 'rb' ); //Binary read-mode
if( ! $bufferhandle ){
$this->_err = _DML_COULDNOTCONNECT." " . @$parsedurl['host'];
return false;
// Open the local file and copy contents
$file_to_open = $path . $name ;
if ($fh = fopen($file_to_open,"w") ) {
$filesize = 0;
while (!feof($bufferhandle)) {
$buffer = fread($bufferhandle,40960);
$bsize = strlen( $buffer );
if( $validate & _DM_VALIDATE_SIZE ){
if( $filesize+$bsize > $this->max_file_size){
fclose( $fh );
fclose( $bufferhandle );
unlink( $file_to_open );
$this->_err .= _DML_SIZEEXCEEDS;
return( false );
fwrite($fh, $buffer);
$filesize += $bsize;
$file = new DOCMAN_File($name , $path);
return $file;
} else {
$this->_err = _DML_COULDNOTOPEN." $file_to_open , $path , $name";
return false;
* Check a file for linking
* @desc Member function handling link testing using internet protocol from a foreign server to local server
* @param void
* @return boolean Returns false if file could not be transfered
* and true if it does. Sets _error if false.
function uploadLINK($url, $validate=_DM_VALIDATE_ALL )
if( !$parsedurl = parse_url($url))
$this->_err = 'Malformed url: '.$url;
return false;
if( $validate &
_DM_VALIDATE_PROTO && ! $this->validateProtocol( $parsedurl['scheme'])){
return false;
if( $parsedurl['host'] == '' ){
$this->_err = _DML_ENTRY_DOCLINK_HOST ;
return false;
/* Removed test, user is responsible for submitting existing urls
// Open the URL source using PHP fopen schema. this is a test ONLY!
$bufferhandle = fopen( $url , 'rb' ); //Binary read-mode
if( ! $bufferhandle ){
$this->_err = _DML_COULDNOTCONNECT." " . @$parsedurl['host'];
return false;
fclose( $bufferhandle );
return true;
* Validate file extension
* @desc This is the function handling the file extension validation when uploading.
* @param void
* @return boolean Returns true if extension is valid and false if not. Sets $this->err with error message if false.
function validateExt($name)
if(!$name ) {
return false;
if(!$this->ext_array ) {
return true;
$valid_ext = preg_replace( "/^[.](.*)$/", "$1" , $this->ext_array );
// Simple lookup first ...
$extension = @strtolower( @substr( $name , strrpos($name,".")+1 ));
if( $extension && in_array( $extension, $valid_ext ) ) {
return true;
// Translate to mimetype for wider test...
if( in_array( $extension , $valid_ext ) ) {
return true;
$this->_err .= _DML_FILETYPE." "".$extension."" "._DML_NOTPERMITED;
return false;
* Validate file size
* @desc This is the function handling the file size validation when uploading.
* @param void
* @return boolean Returns true if size is valid and false if not. Sets $this->err with error message if false.
function validateSize($temp_name)
if ($temp_name) {
$size = filesize($temp_name);
if ($size <= $this->max_file_size && $size > 0 ) {
return true;
$this->_err .= _DML_SIZEEXCEEDS;
return false;
function validatePath($path)
if ($path) {
$path = JPath::clean($path);
if (!is_dir( $path )) {
$path = dirname( $path );
$finalchar = @substr($path,-1);
if ( $finalchar != '/' || $finalchar != '\\' ){
$path = $path.DS;
$handle = @opendir($path);
if ($handle) {
} else {
$path = false;
} else {
$path = false;
if(!$path ) {
$this->_err=_DML_DIRPROBLEM2.": $path";
return $path;
* Check file existence
* @desc This is the function handling the file existence validation when uploading.
* @param file name
* @return boolean Returns true if file exists and false if not. Sets $this->err file exists.
function validateExists($name,$path)
global $_DOCMAN;
if( ! $_DOCMAN->getCfg( 'overwrite' ) &&
file_exists($path.DS.$name) ){
$this->_err .= _DML_FILE." "" . $name . "" "._DML_ALREADYEXISTS;
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Validate protocol passed.
* We never want 'file' to be used as this could expose server
* readable files to the outside world.
* @desc This function confirms the protocol is supported
* @param pointer to filename
* @return boolean Returns true if filename is supported, else false.
function validateProtocol( $proto )
$proto = strtolower( $proto );
if(! $proto)
return true;
if(($this->proto_reject && in_array( $proto, $this->proto_reject )) ||
($this->proto_accept && !in_array( $proto, $this->proto_accept ) ) ){
$this->_err = _DML_PROTOCOL." "" . $proto . "" "._DML_NOTSUPPORTED;
return false;
return true;
* Validate filename passed.
* @desc This is the function handling the file name
* @param pointer to filename
* @return boolean Returns true if filename is good, else false.
function validateName(&$name)
$name = trim( $name );
if( ! $name ) {
$this->_err = _DML_NOFILENAME;
return false;
if($this->fname_lc ) {
$name = strtolower( $name );
if(strchr($name , " "))
case 0: // Accept
case 1: // REJECT
$this->_err .= _DML_FILENAME." "" . $name . "" "._DML_CONTAINBLANKS;
return false;
case 2: // convert to underscore
$name=preg_replace( "/\s/" , '_' , $name );
case 3: // convert to dash
$name=preg_replace( "/\s/" , '-' , $name );
case 4: // REMOVE
$name=preg_replace( "/\s/" , '' , $name );
if( ($this->fname_reject && preg_match( "/^(" . $this->fname_reject . ")$/i" , $name ) )
OR preg_match( "/^(" . _DM_FNAME_REJECT . ")$/i" , $name )){
$this->_err .= """ . $name . "" "._DML_ISNOTVALID;
return false;
return true;
class DOCMAN_Folder
var $path = null;
function DOCMAN_Folder($path)
$this->path = $path;
* Utility function to read the files in a directory
* @param string The file system path
* @param string A filter for the names
function getFiles($match_filter=null, $ignore_filter=null, $filter=null)
global $_DOCMAN;
// Don't show the 'ignore files'. They are...er, magic.
if ( empty($ignore_filter) ) {
$ignore_filter = $_DOCMAN->getCfg('fname_reject');
$arr = array();
if ( !@is_dir($this->path) ) {
return $arr;
$handle = @opendir($this->path);
$match_filter = preg_quote($match_filter);
while ( $file = @readdir($handle) )
if ( substr($file,0,1) == '.' ) continue;
if ( @is_dir($this->path.DS.$file) ) continue;
if ( !empty($ignore_filter) && preg_match("/^".$ignore_filter.'/',$file) ) continue;
if ( preg_match("/^"._DM_FNAME_REJECT."^/",$file) ) continue;
if ( !empty($match_filter) && !preg_match("/".$match_filter.'/i',$file) ) continue;
//check for xml files with two periods . in the title
//for example: template.xml.bak, which we want to avoid
if ($filter == ".xml") {
$file_count = explode(".",$file);
if (count($file_count) == "2"){
$arr[] = new DOCMAN_File(trim( $file ), $this->path);
} else {
$arr[] = new DOCMAN_File(trim( $file ), $this->path);
return $arr;
بین کد شماره 121 تا 131
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اما در سایت اینجوری است.