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كامپوننت All Video Share

پست های پیشنهاد شده

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من امروز به اين افزونه بر خورد كردم و افزونه خوبى هست

اين افزونه به شما اجازه مى ده كه ويديو در سايت خود بگذاريد

لينك جوملا جهانى

دمو (بالاى صفحه لينك دانلود هست)

Video Player industry is getting larger and larger. But still there is no any good extension to provide all the needed functionalities with 100% flexible and customizable in joomla. This is one of the main reason which lead us to develop this most flexible and essential application.

Unless other extensions, AllVideoShare has the own built-in videoplayer with more flexible skinning options and HTML5 fallback included.


Supported Features


* Handle variety of Media formats that flash can handle such as flv, mp4, 3g2, 3gp, aac, f4b, f4p, f4v, m4a, m4v, mov(h.264), sdp, vp6.

* HTML5 fallback. (Beta)

* Color the skin on your Own.

* Flexible options to add Videos either by simply providing Video URL (or) using UPLOAD method.

* Youtube API to play Youtube videos.

* True Streaming methods like RTMP and Lighttpd.

* CDN streaming like Amazon Cloudfront, Highwinds SMIL and Bitgravity Streaming.

* Option to add Third party Embedcodes.

* Categorization of Videos.

* Front-end user upload.

* Modules for Both Player View and Gallery Views.

* Content Player Plugin for articles.

* Facebook Commenting option.

* Style the front-end of the Component using the admin integrated Custom CSS field.

* Multi-Lingual and SEF compatible.


Version 1.1 :


* Language Issue in User Layout resolved.

* Rather than the Page Link, Share the Player itself in Facebook (with https disabled in your facebook account).

* Enable (or) Disable Auto Approval for Front-end Uploaded Videos.

* Options to control Thumbnail Dimensions in both Module and the Component.

* Overwrite Player's width & height properties in Module and Plugin.

* Added Search Module to search the Videos (Functions based on the Category Name, Video Title and Keywords / Tags added in the Video admin).

Version 1.2


* Related Videos Inside the Player.

* Option to Enable / Disable unwanted Video Types for Front-End Upload section.

* Some serious Bug Fixes.

Version 1.2.1


* Bug Fix Version


Note :


Eventhough the component has HTML5 fallback compatibility. We haven't tested the extension with any IDevices / Mobile Devices. We are happy to fix any issues found in HTML5 fallback. Kindly forward your issues to issues@mrvinoth.com

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تاپیک قفل شد !

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