رفتن به مطلب


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تمامی مطالب نوشته شده توسط masoud1373

  1. ممنون از شما جومشاپینگ 3.2.7 اینم پلاگین http://www.joomina.ir/joomla-extension-bank-commerce/685-joomshopping-mellat-bank.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ دوستان گرامی کسی نیست راهنمایی کنه؟؟
  2. سلام من پلاگین اتصال جوم شاپینگ به بانک ملت (نسخه جدید )را دانلود کردم اما وقتی میخوام اونو نصب کنم ارور زیر را میده : JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL DB function failed with error number 1054 Unknown column 'image' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `hishop_jshopping_payment_method` (`payment_id`, `payment_code`, `payment_class`, `payment_publish`, `payment_ordering`, `payment_params`, `payment_type`, `price`, `price_type`, `tax_id`, `image`, `show_descr_in_email`, `name_en-GB`, `description_en-GB`, `name_de-DE`, `description_de-DE`, `name_fa-IR`, `description_fa-IR`) VALUES (NULL, 'mellat', 'pm_mellat', 1, 1, 'terminal=0\nmuser=0\nmpass=0\ntransaction_end_status=2\ntransaction_pending_status=1\ntransaction_failed_status=1\ncheckdatareturn=1\n', 2, 0, 0, 1, '', 0, 'mellat', '', 'mellat', '', 'mellat', ''); SQL = INSERT INTO `#__jshopping_payment_method` (`payment_id`, `payment_code`, `payment_class`, `payment_publish`, `payment_ordering`, `payment_params`, `payment_type`, `price`, `price_type`, `tax_id`, `image`, `show_descr_in_email`, `name_en-GB`, `description_en-GB`, `name_de-DE`, `description_de-DE`, `name_fa-IR`, `description_fa-IR`) VALUES (NULL, 'mellat', 'pm_mellat', 1, 1, 'terminal=0\nmuser=0\nmpass=0\ntransaction_end_status=2\ntransaction_pending_status=1\ntransaction_failed_status=1\ncheckdatareturn=1\n', 2, 0, 0, 1, '', 0, 'mellat', '', 'mellat', '', 'mellat', ''); نصب کامپوننت: SQL error file DB function failed with error number 1054 Unknown column 'image' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `hishop_jshopping_payment_method` (`payment_id`, `payment_code`, `payment_class`, `payment_publish`, `payment_ordering`, `payment_params`, `payment_type`, `price`, `price_type`, `tax_id`, `image`, `show_descr_in_email`, `name_en-GB`, `description_en-GB`, `name_de-DE`, `description_de-DE`, `name_fa-IR`, `description_fa-IR`) VALUES (NULL, 'mellat', 'pm_mellat', 1, 1, 'terminal=0\nmuser=0\nmpass=0\ntransaction_end_status=2\ntransaction_pending_status=1\ntransaction_failed_status=1\ncheckdatareturn=1\n', 2, 0, 0, 1, '', 0, 'mellat', '', 'mellat', '', 'mellat', ''); SQL = INSERT INTO `#__jshopping_payment_method` (`payment_id`, `payment_code`, `payment_class`, `payment_publish`, `payment_ordering`, `payment_params`, `payment_type`, `price`, `price_type`, `tax_id`, `image`, `show_descr_in_email`, `name_en-GB`, `description_en-GB`, `name_de-DE`, `description_de-DE`, `name_fa-IR`, `description_fa-IR`) VALUES (NULL, 'mellat', 'pm_mellat', 1, 1, 'terminal=0\nmuser=0\nmpass=0\ntransaction_end_status=2\ntransaction_pending_status=1\ntransaction_failed_status=1\ncheckdatareturn=1\n', 2, 0, 0, 1, '', 0, 'mellat', '', 'mellat', '', 'mellat', '');
  3. masoud1373

    سوال در مورد افزونه Virtumart و joomshoping

    چرا کسی جواب نمیده وقتی میخام ماژول های پرداخت ویرچومارت را نصب کنم ارور زیر را میده: # SQL. DB function failed with error number 1146 Table 'hani_shop2.jos_vm_payment_method' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO jos_vm_payment_method (`vendor_id`, `payment_method_name`, `payment_class`, `shopper_group_id`, `payment_method_discount`, `payment_method_discount_is_percent`, `payment_method_discount_max_amount`, `payment_method_discount_min_amount`, `list_order`, `payment_method_code`, `enable_processor`, `is_creditcard`, `payment_enabled`, `accepted_creditcards`, `payment_extrainfo`) VALUES ('1', 'بانک ملت', 'ps_joominamellat', '5', '0.00', '0', '0.00', '0.00', '0', 'JMELLAT', 'P', '0', 'Y', '', 'f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbbt = new ps_DB; $dbbt->setQuery($q); $dbbt->query(); $dbbt->next_record(); // Get ship_to information if( $db->f(\\"user_info_id\\") != $dbbt->f(\\"user_info_id\\")) { $q2 = \\"SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_info_id=\\''\\".$db->f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbst = new ps_DB; $dbst->setQuery($q2); $dbst->query(); $dbst->next_record(); } else { $dbst = $dbbt; } $tid= TERMINALID; $u= USERNAME; $p= PASSWORD; $on= $db->f(\\"order_number\\"); $url = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\''components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcon.php\\''); $backurl = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\"components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcallback.php?on=$on&tid=$tid&u=$u&p=$p\\"); $unit = UNIT; $amount = number_format($db->f(\\"order_total\\"), 0, \\''.\\'', \\''\\''); if ($unit=="t"){ $amount = $amount / 10; } ?> \\" method=\\"post\\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> '); SQL = INSERT INTO jos_vm_payment_method (`vendor_id`, `payment_method_name`, `payment_class`, `shopper_group_id`, `payment_method_discount`, `payment_method_discount_is_percent`, `payment_method_discount_max_amount`, `payment_method_discount_min_amount`, `list_order`, `payment_method_code`, `enable_processor`, `is_creditcard`, `payment_enabled`, `accepted_creditcards`, `payment_extrainfo`) VALUES ('1', 'بانک ملت', 'ps_joominamellat', '5', '0.00', '0', '0.00', '0.00', '0', 'JMELLAT', 'P', '0', 'Y', '', 'f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbbt = new ps_DB; $dbbt->setQuery($q); $dbbt->query(); $dbbt->next_record(); // Get ship_to information if( $db->f(\\"user_info_id\\") != $dbbt->f(\\"user_info_id\\")) { $q2 = \\"SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_info_id=\\''\\".$db->f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbst = new ps_DB; $dbst->setQuery($q2); $dbst->query(); $dbst->next_record(); } else { $dbst = $dbbt; } $tid= TERMINALID; $u= USERNAME; $p= PASSWORD; $on= $db->f(\\"order_number\\"); $url = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\''components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcon.php\\''); $backurl = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\"components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcallback.php?on=$on&tid=$tid&u=$u&p=$p\\"); $unit = UNIT; $amount = number_format($db->f(\\"order_total\\"), 0, \\''.\\'', \\''\\''); if ($unit=="t"){ $amount = $amount / 10; } ?> \\" method=\\"post\\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> '); # کامپوننت نصب: SQL خطا دارد، یا مفقود شده است و یا فایل SQL قابل خواندن نمیباشد. DB function failed with error number 1146 Table 'hani_shop2.jos_vm_payment_method' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO jos_vm_payment_method (`vendor_id`, `payment_method_name`, `payment_class`, `shopper_group_id`, `payment_method_discount`, `payment_method_discount_is_percent`, `payment_method_discount_max_amount`, `payment_method_discount_min_amount`, `list_order`, `payment_method_code`, `enable_processor`, `is_creditcard`, `payment_enabled`, `accepted_creditcards`, `payment_extrainfo`) VALUES ('1', 'بانک ملت', 'ps_joominamellat', '5', '0.00', '0', '0.00', '0.00', '0', 'JMELLAT', 'P', '0', 'Y', '', 'f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbbt = new ps_DB; $dbbt->setQuery($q); $dbbt->query(); $dbbt->next_record(); // Get ship_to information if( $db->f(\\"user_info_id\\") != $dbbt->f(\\"user_info_id\\")) { $q2 = \\"SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_info_id=\\''\\".$db->f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbst = new ps_DB; $dbst->setQuery($q2); $dbst->query(); $dbst->next_record(); } else { $dbst = $dbbt; } $tid= TERMINALID; $u= USERNAME; $p= PASSWORD; $on= $db->f(\\"order_number\\"); $url = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\''components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcon.php\\''); $backurl = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\"components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcallback.php?on=$on&tid=$tid&u=$u&p=$p\\"); $unit = UNIT; $amount = number_format($db->f(\\"order_total\\"), 0, \\''.\\'', \\''\\''); if ($unit=="t"){ $amount = $amount / 10; } ?> \\" method=\\"post\\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> '); SQL = INSERT INTO jos_vm_payment_method (`vendor_id`, `payment_method_name`, `payment_class`, `shopper_group_id`, `payment_method_discount`, `payment_method_discount_is_percent`, `payment_method_discount_max_amount`, `payment_method_discount_min_amount`, `list_order`, `payment_method_code`, `enable_processor`, `is_creditcard`, `payment_enabled`, `accepted_creditcards`, `payment_extrainfo`) VALUES ('1', 'بانک ملت', 'ps_joominamellat', '5', '0.00', '0', '0.00', '0.00', '0', 'JMELLAT', 'P', '0', 'Y', '', 'f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbbt = new ps_DB; $dbbt->setQuery($q); $dbbt->query(); $dbbt->next_record(); // Get ship_to information if( $db->f(\\"user_info_id\\") != $dbbt->f(\\"user_info_id\\")) { $q2 = \\"SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_info_id=\\''\\".$db->f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbst = new ps_DB; $dbst->setQuery($q2); $dbst->query(); $dbst->next_record(); } else { $dbst = $dbbt; } $tid= TERMINALID; $u= USERNAME; $p= PASSWORD; $on= $db->f(\\"order_number\\"); $url = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\''components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcon.php\\''); $backurl = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\"components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcallback.php?on=$on&tid=$tid&u=$u&p=$p\\"); $unit = UNIT; $amount = number_format($db->f(\\"order_total\\"), 0, \\''.\\'', \\''\\''); if ($unit=="t"){ $amount = $amount / 10; } ?> \\" method=\\"post\\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> ');
  4. masoud1373

    سوال در مورد افزونه Virtumart و joomshoping

    کسی نبود کمک کنه؟
  5. masoud1373

    سوال در مورد افزونه Virtumart و joomshoping

    بازم ممنون یک مشکل دیگه هم دارم در فروشگاه ساز ویرچومارت وقتی می خوام ماژول بانک ملت را نصب کنم ارور زیر را میده : # SQL. DB function failed with error number 1146 Table 'hani_shop2.jos_vm_payment_method' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO jos_vm_payment_method (`vendor_id`, `payment_method_name`, `payment_class`, `shopper_group_id`, `payment_method_discount`, `payment_method_discount_is_percent`, `payment_method_discount_max_amount`, `payment_method_discount_min_amount`, `list_order`, `payment_method_code`, `enable_processor`, `is_creditcard`, `payment_enabled`, `accepted_creditcards`, `payment_extrainfo`) VALUES ('1', 'بانک ملت', 'ps_joominamellat', '5', '0.00', '0', '0.00', '0.00', '0', 'JMELLAT', 'P', '0', 'Y', '', 'f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbbt = new ps_DB; $dbbt->setQuery($q); $dbbt->query(); $dbbt->next_record(); // Get ship_to information if( $db->f(\\"user_info_id\\") != $dbbt->f(\\"user_info_id\\")) { $q2 = \\"SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_info_id=\\''\\".$db->f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbst = new ps_DB; $dbst->setQuery($q2); $dbst->query(); $dbst->next_record(); } else { $dbst = $dbbt; } $tid= TERMINALID; $u= USERNAME; $p= PASSWORD; $on= $db->f(\\"order_number\\"); $url = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\''components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcon.php\\''); $backurl = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\"components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcallback.php?on=$on&tid=$tid&u=$u&p=$p\\"); $unit = UNIT; $amount = number_format($db->f(\\"order_total\\"), 0, \\''.\\'', \\''\\''); if ($unit=="t"){ $amount = $amount / 10; } ?> \\" method=\\"post\\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> '); SQL = INSERT INTO jos_vm_payment_method (`vendor_id`, `payment_method_name`, `payment_class`, `shopper_group_id`, `payment_method_discount`, `payment_method_discount_is_percent`, `payment_method_discount_max_amount`, `payment_method_discount_min_amount`, `list_order`, `payment_method_code`, `enable_processor`, `is_creditcard`, `payment_enabled`, `accepted_creditcards`, `payment_extrainfo`) VALUES ('1', 'بانک ملت', 'ps_joominamellat', '5', '0.00', '0', '0.00', '0.00', '0', 'JMELLAT', 'P', '0', 'Y', '', 'f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbbt = new ps_DB; $dbbt->setQuery($q); $dbbt->query(); $dbbt->next_record(); // Get ship_to information if( $db->f(\\"user_info_id\\") != $dbbt->f(\\"user_info_id\\")) { $q2 = \\"SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_info_id=\\''\\".$db->f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbst = new ps_DB; $dbst->setQuery($q2); $dbst->query(); $dbst->next_record(); } else { $dbst = $dbbt; } $tid= TERMINALID; $u= USERNAME; $p= PASSWORD; $on= $db->f(\\"order_number\\"); $url = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\''components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcon.php\\''); $backurl = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\"components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcallback.php?on=$on&tid=$tid&u=$u&p=$p\\"); $unit = UNIT; $amount = number_format($db->f(\\"order_total\\"), 0, \\''.\\'', \\''\\''); if ($unit=="t"){ $amount = $amount / 10; } ?> \\" method=\\"post\\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> '); # کامپوننت نصب: SQL خطا دارد، یا مفقود شده است و یا فایل SQL قابل خواندن نمیباشد. DB function failed with error number 1146 Table 'hani_shop2.jos_vm_payment_method' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO jos_vm_payment_method (`vendor_id`, `payment_method_name`, `payment_class`, `shopper_group_id`, `payment_method_discount`, `payment_method_discount_is_percent`, `payment_method_discount_max_amount`, `payment_method_discount_min_amount`, `list_order`, `payment_method_code`, `enable_processor`, `is_creditcard`, `payment_enabled`, `accepted_creditcards`, `payment_extrainfo`) VALUES ('1', 'بانک ملت', 'ps_joominamellat', '5', '0.00', '0', '0.00', '0.00', '0', 'JMELLAT', 'P', '0', 'Y', '', 'f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbbt = new ps_DB; $dbbt->setQuery($q); $dbbt->query(); $dbbt->next_record(); // Get ship_to information if( $db->f(\\"user_info_id\\") != $dbbt->f(\\"user_info_id\\")) { $q2 = \\"SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_info_id=\\''\\".$db->f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbst = new ps_DB; $dbst->setQuery($q2); $dbst->query(); $dbst->next_record(); } else { $dbst = $dbbt; } $tid= TERMINALID; $u= USERNAME; $p= PASSWORD; $on= $db->f(\\"order_number\\"); $url = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\''components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcon.php\\''); $backurl = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\"components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcallback.php?on=$on&tid=$tid&u=$u&p=$p\\"); $unit = UNIT; $amount = number_format($db->f(\\"order_total\\"), 0, \\''.\\'', \\''\\''); if ($unit=="t"){ $amount = $amount / 10; } ?> \\" method=\\"post\\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> '); SQL = INSERT INTO jos_vm_payment_method (`vendor_id`, `payment_method_name`, `payment_class`, `shopper_group_id`, `payment_method_discount`, `payment_method_discount_is_percent`, `payment_method_discount_max_amount`, `payment_method_discount_min_amount`, `list_order`, `payment_method_code`, `enable_processor`, `is_creditcard`, `payment_enabled`, `accepted_creditcards`, `payment_extrainfo`) VALUES ('1', 'بانک ملت', 'ps_joominamellat', '5', '0.00', '0', '0.00', '0.00', '0', 'JMELLAT', 'P', '0', 'Y', '', 'f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbbt = new ps_DB; $dbbt->setQuery($q); $dbbt->query(); $dbbt->next_record(); // Get ship_to information if( $db->f(\\"user_info_id\\") != $dbbt->f(\\"user_info_id\\")) { $q2 = \\"SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_info_id=\\''\\".$db->f(\\"user_info_id\\").\\"\\''\\"; $dbst = new ps_DB; $dbst->setQuery($q2); $dbst->query(); $dbst->next_record(); } else { $dbst = $dbbt; } $tid= TERMINALID; $u= USERNAME; $p= PASSWORD; $on= $db->f(\\"order_number\\"); $url = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\''components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcon.php\\''); $backurl = JRoute::_(JURI::root().\\"components/com_joominamellat/jmellatcallback.php?on=$on&tid=$tid&u=$u&p=$p\\"); $unit = UNIT; $amount = number_format($db->f(\\"order_total\\"), 0, \\''.\\'', \\''\\''); if ($unit=="t"){ $amount = $amount / 10; } ?> \\" method=\\"post\\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> \\" /> '); روش نصب خاصی داره؟ در صفحه اصلی هم این ارور را میده : * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * The file /home/hani/public_html/shop2/media/daily.xml can't be created. The directory /home/hani/public_html/shop2/media is not writable * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * The file /home/hani/public_html/shop2/media/daily.xml can't be created. The directory /home/hani/public_html/shop2/media is not writable * The file /home/hani/public_html/shop2/media/daily.xml can't be created. The directory /home/hani/public_html/shop2/media is not writable * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * JFolder::create: Could not create directory * The file /home/hani/public_html/shop2/media/daily.xml can't be created. The directory /home/hani/public_html/shop2/media is not writable * The file /home/hani/public_html/shop2/media/daily.xml can't be created. 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/home/hani/public_html/shop2/images/stories/virtuemart * Info: create folder for resized image /home/hani/public_html/shop2/images/stories/virtuemart/product * Info: create folder for resized image /home/hani/public_html/shop2/images/stories/virtuemart/product/resized * Info: create folder for resized image /home/hani/public_html/shop2/images/stories/virtuemart/product/resized/ * Info: create folder for resized image /home/hani/public_html/shop2/images/stories/virtuemart * Info: create folder for resized image /home/hani/public_html/shop2/images/stories/virtuemart/category * Info: create folder for resized image /home/hani/public_html/shop2/images/stories/virtuemart/category/resized * Info: create folder for resized image /home/hani/public_html/shop2/images/stories/virtuemart/category/resized/ * Info: create folder for resized image /home/hani/public_html/shop2/images/stories/virtuemart * Info: create folder for resized image 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  6. masoud1373

    سوال در مورد افزونه Virtumart و joomshoping

    آقا خیلی ممنون شرمنده کردید ببخشید میشه بگید چطوری منوی صفحه ی اصلی را به این کامپوننت وصل کنم؟ ممنون
  7. masoud1373

    سوال در مورد افزونه Virtumart و joomshoping

    سلام من خیلی از جومینا استفاده می کنم سایت خیلی پر محتوایی دارید ولی تازه عضو انجمن شدم و این اولین سوال من هست. من افزونه جومشاپینگ را روی جوملا 1.5 روی لوکال نصب کردم و یک سری تنظیمات معمولی را انجام دادم ولی صفحه ی اصلی تغییر نکرده . قالب پیشفرض جوملا هست. کار خاصی باید انجام بدم؟ فروشگاه ساز joomshoping بهتره یا Virtumart از نظر امکانات؟ آیا این افزونه همینه که بسته ی آسان نصبش در اینجا منتشر شده ؟ یا فرق داره؟ شرمنده زیاد شد
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