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عضو تالار جوملا
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درباره sinakhan

  • درجه
    عضو تالار جومینا

آخرین بازدید کنندگان پروفایل

بلوک آخرین بازدید کننده ها غیر فعال شده است و به دیگر کاربران نشان داده نمی شود.

  1. sinakhan

    خطا در نصب acesef در جوملا جومینا 1.6.1

    موقع نصب این خطا را میدهد و نصب نمی شود * JInstaller: :Install: File does not exist /home/pooyan/public_html/joomina/tmp/acesef_joomina_ir/install.php * نصب افزونه: ناتوان در نصب فایل php. چیکار کنم با تشکر
  2. sinakhan

    قالب زیبای TX Gravity فارسی

    با تشکر از شما رو لوکال نصب کردم ارور داد میشه راهنمایی بفرمایید Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in c:\appserv\www\fa-ir_joomla_software_group_full.1.5.20v14\templates\tx_gravity\lib\php\tx.template.helper.php on line 12 با تشکر خواستم حذف کنم این پیغام را داد * حذف فایل انتخابی ممکن نبود.: 'en-GB.tpl_tx_gravity.ini'
  3. sinakhan

    ماژول اسلاید سایت topjoomla

    این همین ماژول Headline هست در این قالب ؟؟ http://www.joomlart.ir/demo/ja/ja_rutile/ با تشکر
  4. sinakhan

    شبیه این قالب کسی داره ؟

    شبیه این قالب کسی داره ؟ منوش را با چی درست کرده ؟ متشکرم http://www.shefaco.com/download.html
  5. sinakhan

    پلاگین جلوه های متن

  6. sinakhan

    پلاگین جلوه های متن

    سلام گویا پلاگین جلوه های متن با نسخه نسخه 1.5.20 مشکل دارد و نمایش نمی دهد
  7. <?php /** * @version $Id: toolbar.php 15180 2010-03-04 22:58:32Z ian $ * @package Joomla * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla! defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' ); jimport('joomla.html.toolbar'); /** * Utility class for the button bar * * @package Joomla */ class JToolBarHelper { /** * Title cell * For the title and toolbar to be rendered correctly, * this title fucntion must be called before the starttable function and the toolbars icons * this is due to the nature of how the css has been used to postion the title in respect to the toolbar * @param string The title * @param string The name of the image * @since 1.5 */ function title($title, $icon = 'generic.png') { global $mainframe; //strip the extension $icon = preg_replace('#\.[^.]*$#', '', $icon); $html = "\n"; $html .= "$title\n"; $html .= "\n"; $mainframe->set('JComponentTitle', $html); } /** * Writes a spacer cell * @param string The width for the cell * @since 1.0 */ function spacer($width = '') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a spacer $bar->appendButton( 'Separator', 'spacer', $width ); } /** * Write a divider between menu buttons * @since 1.0 */ function divider() { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a divider $bar->appendButton( 'Separator', 'divider' ); } /** * Writes a custom option and task button for the button bar * @param string The task to perform (picked up by the switch($task) blocks * @param string The image to display * @param string The image to display when moused over * @param string The alt text for the icon image * @param boolean True if required to check that a standard list item is checked * @param boolean True if required to include callinh hideMainMenu() * @since 1.0 */ function custom($task = '', $icon = '', $iconOver = '', $alt = '', $listSelect = true, $x = false) { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); //strip extension $icon = preg_replace('#\.[^.]*$#', '', $icon); // Add a standard button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', $icon, $alt, $task, $listSelect, $x ); } /** * Writes a custom option and task button for the button bar. * Extended version of custom() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton(). * @param string The task to perform (picked up by the switch($task) blocks * @param string The image to display * @param string The image to display when moused over * @param string The alt text for the icon image * @param boolean True if required to check that a standard list item is checked * @since 1.0 * (NOTE this is being deprecated) */ function customX($task = '', $icon = '', $iconOver = '', $alt = '', $listSelect = true) { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); //strip extension $icon = preg_replace('#\.[^.]*$#', '', $icon); // Add a standard button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', $icon, $alt, $task, $listSelect, true ); } /** * Writes a preview button for a given option (opens a popup window) * @param string The name of the popup file (excluding the file extension) * @since 1.0 */ function preview($url = '', $updateEditors = false) { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a preview button $bar->appendButton( 'Popup', 'preview', 'Preview', "$url&task=preview" ); } /** * Writes a preview button for a given option (opens a popup window) * @param string The name of the popup file (excluding the file extension for an xml file) * @param boolean Use the help file in the component directory * @since 1.0 */ function help($ref, $com = false) { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a help button $bar->appendButton( 'Help', $ref, $com ); } /** * Writes a cancel button that will go back to the previous page without doing * any other operation * @since 1.0 */ function back($alt = 'Back', $href = 'javascript:history.back();') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a back button $bar->appendButton( 'Link', 'back', $alt, $href ); } /** * Writes a media_manager button * @param string The sub-drectory to upload the media to * @since 1.0 */ function media_manager($folder = '', $alt = 'Upload') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an upload button $bar->appendButton( 'Popup', 'upload', $alt, "index.php?option=com_media&tmpl=component&task=popupUpload&folder=$folder", 640, 520 ); } /** * Writes the common 'new' icon for the button bar * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function addNew($task = 'add', $alt = 'New') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a new button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'new', $alt, $task, false, false ); } /** * Writes the common 'new' icon for the button bar. * Extended version of addNew() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton(). * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function addNewX($task = 'add', $alt = 'New') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a new button (hide menu) $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'new', $alt, $task, false, true ); } /** * Writes a common 'publish' button * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function publish($task = 'publish', $alt = 'Publish') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a publish button //$bar->appendButton( 'Publish', false, $alt, $task ); $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'publish', $alt, $task, false, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'publish' button for a list of records * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function publishList($task = 'publish', $alt = 'Publish') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a publish button (list) $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'publish', $alt, $task, true, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'default' button for a record * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function makeDefault($task = 'default', $alt = 'Default') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a default button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'default', $alt, $task, true, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'assign' button for a record * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function assign($task = 'assign', $alt = 'Assign') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an assign button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'assign', $alt, $task, true, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'unpublish' button * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function unpublish($task = 'unpublish', $alt = 'Unpublish') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an unpublish button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'unpublish', $alt, $task, false, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'unpublish' button for a list of records * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function unpublishList($task = 'unpublish', $alt = 'Unpublish') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an unpublish button (list) $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'unpublish', $alt, $task, true, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'archive' button for a list of records * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function archiveList($task = 'archive', $alt = 'Archive') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an archive button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'archive', $alt, $task, true, false ); } /** * Writes an unarchive button for a list of records * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function unarchiveList($task = 'unarchive', $alt = 'Unarchive') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an unarchive button (list) $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'unarchive', $alt, $task, true, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'edit' button for a list of records * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function editList($task = 'edit', $alt = 'Edit') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an edit button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'edit', $alt, $task, true, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'edit' button for a list of records. * Extended version of editList() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton(). * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function editListX($task = 'edit', $alt = 'Edit') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an edit button (hide) $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'edit', $alt, $task, true, true ); } /** * Writes a common 'edit' button for a template html * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function editHtml($task = 'edit_source', $alt = 'Edit HTML') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an edit html button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'edithtml', $alt, $task, true, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'edit' button for a template html. * Extended version of editHtml() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton(). * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function editHtmlX($task = 'edit_source', $alt = 'Edit HTML') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an edit html button (hide) $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'edithtml', $alt, $task, true, true ); } /** * Writes a common 'edit' button for a template css * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function editCss($task = 'edit_css', $alt = 'Edit CSS') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an edit css button (hide) $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'editcss', $alt, $task, true, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'edit' button for a template css. * Extended version of editCss() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton(). * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function editCssX($task = 'edit_css', $alt = 'Edit CSS') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an edit css button (hide) $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'editcss', $alt, $task, true, true ); } /** * Writes a common 'delete' button for a list of records * @param string Postscript for the 'are you sure' message * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function deleteList($msg = '', $task = 'remove', $alt = 'Delete') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a delete button if ($msg) { $bar->appendButton( 'Confirm', $msg, 'delete', $alt, $task, true, false ); } else { $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'delete', $alt, $task, true, false ); } } /** * Writes a common 'delete' button for a list of records. * Extended version of deleteList() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton(). * @param string Postscript for the 'are you sure' message * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function deleteListX($msg = '', $task = 'remove', $alt = 'Delete') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a delete button (hide) if ($msg) { $bar->appendButton( 'Confirm', $msg, 'delete', $alt, $task, true, true ); } else { $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'delete', $alt, $task, true, true ); } } /** * Write a trash button that will move items to Trash Manager * @since 1.0 */ function trash($task = 'remove', $alt = 'Trash', $check = true) { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a trash button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'trash', $alt, $task, $check, false ); } /** * Writes a save button for a given option * Apply operation leads to a save action only (does not leave edit mode) * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function apply($task = 'apply', $alt = 'Apply') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add an apply button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'apply', $alt, $task, false, false ); } /** * Writes a save button for a given option * Save operation leads to a save and then close action * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function save($task = 'save', $alt = 'Save') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a save button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'save', $alt, $task, false, false ); } /** * Writes a cancel button and invokes a cancel operation (eg a checkin) * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text * @since 1.0 */ function cancel($task = 'cancel', $alt = 'Cancel') { $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a cancel button $bar->appendButton( 'Standard', 'cancel', $alt, $task, false, false ); } /** * Writes a configuration button and invokes a cancel operation (eg a checkin) * @param string The name of the component, eg, com_content * @param int The height of the popup * @param int The width of the popup * @param string The name of the button * @param string An alternative path for the configuation xml relative to JPATH_SITE * @since 1.0 */ function preferences($component, $height='150', $width='570', $alt = 'Preferences', $path = '') { $user =& JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->get('gid') != 25) { return; } $component = urlencode( $component ); $path = urlencode( $path ); $bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // Add a configuration button $bar->appendButton( 'Popup', 'config', $alt, 'index.php?option=com_config&controller=component&component='.$component.'&path='.$path, $width, $height ); } } /** * Utility class for the submenu * * @package Joomla */ class JSubMenuHelper { function addEntry($name, $link = '', $active = false) { $menu = &JToolBar::getInstance('submenu'); $menu->appendButton($name, $link, $active); } } ?> تو این کد باید چیکار کرد ؟
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