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کامپوننت صدور و مدیریت صورت حساب Shop and Catalog

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توضیحات افزونه :

Shop and Catalog - is a universal component catalog for CMS Joomla! ®. It is intended to build a portal solution based on this CMS. Originally developed as a component of an electronic component shop, but with the release version for Joomla! 1.6, it can be used to create: the download directory, photo galleries, bulletin boards, forums and consultation service, reservation service. Due to the fact that you can create your own plugins and modules, a list of features can be greatly expanded.

The main characteristics of the component configuration by default (tools):

- Unlimited number of categories

- Not a limited number of product properties

- Comments to the products

- File library

- Not a limited number of additional fields

- Fixed/Percentage taxes

- Fixed/Percentage discount

- Different ways of payment and delivery

- Profile

- Various modes of ordering products

- Multiple currencies and exchange rates

- Different groups of users with their rights

- Moderators, consultants, vendors, manufacturers and suppliers

- Editing of topics and posts forum

- Blocks ads: ads, real estate, automarket

- Loading files

- Search for products

- IP filter

- Multilingual

- Event Log

- Ban

- Sorting

- Modules, Plugins

The project is still under development

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این کامپوننت یه فروشگاه ساز کامل شبیه ویرچومارت هستش البته رایگان

این هم فایل زبان فارسی شده افزونه

دانلود فایل زبان فارسی کامپوننت

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هم اکنون می توانید ارسال داشته باشید و بعد ثبت نام خود را در سایت کامل نمایید. اگر حساب کاربری در سایت دارید، جهت ارسال با حساب کاربری خود هم اکنون وارد سایت شوید

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